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Shop By Brand

The Following brands are available based on your search.

  • ACDelco
  • AFE Filters
    AFE Filters
  • Autopart International
    Autopart International
  • Bosch
  • Denso
  • Edelbrock
  • Fel-Pro
  • Full
  • Green Filter USA
    Green Filter USA
  • Hengst
  • Holley
  • Interfil
  • K&N
  • Mahle
  • Mann-Filter
  • Mopar
  • Mr Gasket
    Mr Gasket
  • NPN
  • Opparts
  • Premium Guard
    Premium Guard
  • Vibrant Performance
    Vibrant Performance
  • Volant
  • Wix

Best Selling Genuine Plymouth Air Filters

  • We Stock the following top leading brands, including Premium Guard, Full, Mahle, Mann-Filter, Mopar, Interfil, ACDelco
  • Constantly Updated Inventory of Plymouth Replacement Air Filter Parts

Premium Guard
1992 Plymouth Acclaim Air Filter 6 Cyl 3.0L Premium Guard - Standard Air Filter

P311-0183FC6    PA3465  New

027 133 843 , 042-0323 , 042-1440 , 049 133 843 , 1-457-429-957 , 1-457-429-973 , 11-01038 , 2049 , 2102 , 2133 , 22133 , 22133MP , 225 , 23-3015-4 , 25096099 , 25096100 , 261 , 26133 , 287484 , 33-2002 , 33-2087 , 33-2126 , 3441 , 42133 , 4213583 , 4241042 , 4342800 , 46133 , 486 1041 , 5000-200116 , 5000-27924 , 6133 , 62133 , 66-2002 , 66-2126 , 66133 , 73-203 , 758 , 79008171 , 87133 , 88133 , 8997878 , 907 , 93133 , 94133 , A-0180-001 , A-0180-008 , A-114 , A-3441 , A-60 , A1089C , A1089CC , A23465 , A3660 , A517 , A530 , A551 , A751C , AE3660 , AF1001 , AF1031 , AF2051 , AF300 , AF3441 , AF3465 , AF36 , AF3660 , AF4597 , AF4766 , AF805 , AF805F , AFL-1031 , AFL-160 , AG108 , AG265 , ALA-8400 , BA3465 , C 2860 , CA3000 , CA3465 , CA3660 , CF-3441 , CFA3441 , DA2012 , DA3660 , E4EX-9601-AA , E4FZ-9601-A , E59E-9601-A , E59E-9601-AA , E59Z-9601-A , EAA81 , EAA82 , F-36A60 , F59Z-9601-A , FA-1031 , FA-1045 , FA-752 , FA-999 , GA-277 , GA23465 , HA3660 , JLA3465 , LA915 , LT81 , MA 1005 , MA300 , MA3465 , MA3660 , MGA3660 , MGA42133 , P2133 , P528225 , PA-117 , PA-209 , PA2103 , PA3465 , PA3465F , PA3660 , PAB3660 , PC360 , PGA-3465 , PM-1697 , PPA3660 , PZA-117 , PZA-209 , QA23465 , QSA3441 , QSA3660 , SA23465 , SA300 , SA3465 , SA3660 , SHA10 , TA-70 , TA3660 , TFA-10 , TGA3660 , TS81 , VA3465 , VA54 , VA69 , WA-3441NT , WA-3660 , XA3465

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
  • Standard Air Filter
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1992 - Plymouth Acclaim V 6 Cyl 3.0L 181 2972
Premium Guard
1994 Plymouth Colt Air Filter 4 Cyl 2.4L Premium Guard

P311-5AFAE18    PA4720  New

042-1522 , 143-2049 , 2034 , 2120 , 23-3143-8 , 26028 , 33-2072 , 334 , 46028 , 5000-202683 , 5000-27241 , 6028 , 66-2072 , 66028 , 73-439 , 8039 , 88028 , 94028 , A1283C , A24720 , A279 , AE7344 , AF1013 , AF137 , AF137F , AF4720 , AF6028 , AF7344 , AF7843 , ALA-1108 , AP7843 , BA4720 , C 2438 , CA4720 , CA7344 , CA7843 , CAP7344 , CFA137 , DA2822 , DA7344 , F-73A44 , GA-7344 , GA24720 , HA7344 , HSA-719 , JLA4720 , K 47-13-Z40-9A , KL47-13-Z40 , LA1364 , MA 1025 , MA4720 , MA7344 , MB906051 , MGA46028 , P6028 , P607302 , PA-197 , PA4015 , PA4720 , PA4720F , PAB7344 , PPA7344 , PZA-197 , QSA24720 , S1811 , SA24720 , SA7344 , SA7843 , SHA114 , TA-114 , TA7344 , VA104 , VA4720 , XA4720

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
  • Product Attributes:
    • Side A Length: 9.15 In
    • Side B Length: 7.32 In
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1994 - Plymouth Colt L 4 Cyl 2.4L - 2351
Premium Guard
1980 Plymouth Gran Fury Air Filter 8 Cyl 5.2L Premium Guard

P311-41125C9    PA4  New

10540 , 110-1106 , 1553105 , 1739547 , 1757-23-672 , 1757-23-6720 , 2020 , 22020 , 22020MP , 23-3004-0 , 240 , 2463981 , 2463984 , 25043773 , 25097254 , 27503 , 3111 , 4201103 , 42020 , 42324 , 4306393 , 46018 , 46069 , 46086 , 4713715 , 49 , 5000-202695 , 5016646AA , 6018 , 6069 , 6086 , 62020 , 73216 , 8341-23-672 , 84493S , 87020 , 88069 , 88086 , 93020 , 972 , 999103 , A-0138-002 , A-160 , A-4 , A1103C , A1103CF , A1183C , A1194C , A4 , A40004 , A43546 , A49C , AC2 , AE160 , AE3187 , AF-4 , AF05 , AF1003 , AF145 , AF160 , AF26301 , AF311 , AF344 , AF377 , AF4 , AF4F , AFL-4 , APF-4 , ARP-4 , AZA086 , BA4 , C 1555/8 , CA160 , CA3187 , CA3529 , CA380 , CA4 , CC3RZ-9601-C , CFA4 , DA160 , DA3820 , E-1100 , E-2700 , EAA23 , F-160A , FA-1036 , FA-10R , FAF-2900 , GA-70 , GA4004 , GA70M , GMA3187 , HA160 , HA3187 , J8992661 , JLA4 , L-142 , LA5 , LA832 , LT23 , MA 1021 , MA160 , MA160PL , MA4 , MGA42020 , P2020 , P524391 , PA-7 , PA160 , PA2154 , PA4 , PA40004 , PA4F , PA615 , PAB160 , PGA-4 , PRA160 , PZA-7 , QA40004 , QSA160 , SA-9 , SA160 , SA4 , SA40004 , SHA9 , TA-9 , TA160 , TY15363 , U4A , UFP-4 , VA-321 , VA3546 , VA4 , VA7 , W-1100 , WA-160 , WA6018 , XA3546 , XA4

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1980 - Plymouth Gran Fury V 8 Cyl 5.2L 318 5211
Premium Guard
2001 Plymouth Neon Air Filter 4 Cyl 2.0L Premium Guard

P311-3736371    PA5306  New

04891097AA , 22384 , 2384 , 358 , 42384 , 4891097AA , 5000-203648 , 5000-29099 , 62384 , 87384 , A2048C , A25306 , A7946 , AE8805 , AF1072 , AF1072F , AF5306 , AF7946 , AF8805 , BA5306 , CA-8805 , CA49670 , CA7946 , CA8805 , CAC8805 , CFA1072 , DA8805 , E-1006 , F-88A05 , GA-278R , GA25306 , HA8805 , MA 1059 , MA5306 , MGA42384 , P2384 , P607252 , PA-241 , PA4118 , PA5306 , PA5306F , PAB8805 , PZA-241 , QSA8805 , SA25306 , SA8805 , SHA164 , TA-164 , TA8805 , VA137 , VA5306 , XA5306

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
  • Product Attributes:
    • Inlet Diameter: 2.4 In
    • Shape: Cylinder
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
2001 - Plymouth Neon L 4 Cyl 2.0L 122 1996
Premium Guard
2000 Plymouth Breeze Air Filter 4 Cyl 2.0L Premium Guard

P311-2573739    PA5048  New

2118 , 25425 , 26245 , 26425 , 33-2067 , 342 , 4573624 , 46425 , 4874153 , 4882 141AB , 4882141 , 5000-202685 , 5000-29075 , 6425 , 66-2067 , 66425 , 88425 , 94425 , A1298C , A25048 , A284 , AE7432 , AF391 , AF391F , AF5048 , AF6425 , AF7432 , AF7879 , AP7879 , BA5048 , CA-7432 , CA5048 , CA7432 , CA7879 , CFA391 , DA2911 , DA7432 , F-74A32 , GA-132 , GA25048 , HA7432 , HSA-752 , JLA5048 , LA1552 , MA 1050 , MA5048 , MA7432 , MGA46425 , P607344 , P6425 , PA-200 , PA25048 , PA4085 , PA5048 , PA5048F , PAB7432 , PGA-5048 , PPA7432 , PZA-200 , PZA-2200 , QSA25048 , S1918 , SA25048 , SA7432 , SHA135 , TA-135 , TA7432 , VA112 , VA5048 , XA5048

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
  • Product Attributes:
    • Side A Length: 8.78 In
    • Side B Length: 7.36 In
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
2000 - Plymouth Breeze L 4 Cyl 2.0L 122 1996
Premium Guard
1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager Air Filter 6 Cyl 3.3L Premium Guard

P311-3369C0B    PA3192  New

042-8335 , 11-02282 , 2158 , 23-3199-6 , 244 , 25041593 , 26120 , 26120MP , 33-2006 , 4213582 , 4227087 , 4306113 , 4342801 , 46120 , 5000-202681 , 5000-29061 , 602 , 6120 , 66-2006 , 66120 , 84285N , 84857S , 88120 , 94120 , A-0111-002 , A-68 , A-LL8 , A13192 , A3559 , A528 , A858C , AC203 , AE3559 , AF-3192 , AF1773 , AF20 , AF2041 , AF3192 , AF3559 , AF602 , AF842 , AF842F , AFL-575 , BA3192 , CA3192 , CA3559 , CA602 , CF-3575 , CFA3559 , DA1912 , DA3559 , EAA47 , F-35A59 , FA-949 , GA-271 , GA13192 , GA271M , HA3559 , JLA3192 , L-575 , LA1001 , LT47 , MA 1038 , MA3192 , MA3559 , MA602 , MGA46120 , P524382 , P6120 , PA-123 , PA13192 , PA2104 , PA3192 , PA3192F , PA3559 , PA5333 , PAB3559 , PGA-3192 , PM-1810 , PZA-123 , QA13192 , QSA3559 , SA-48 , SA13192 , SA3192 , SA3559 , SHA46 , TA-46 , TA3559 , TS47 , TY22052 , VA3192 , VA40 , WA-3559 , XA3192

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1993 - Plymouth Grand Voyager V 6 Cyl 3.3L 201 3301
Premium Guard
1986 Plymouth Caravelle Air Filter 4 Cyl 2.2L Premium Guard

P311-351A27D    PA3591  New

230 , 25097004 , 26084 , 26084MP , 4288009 , 4288899 , 46084 , 46084MP , 6084 , 66084 , 856 , A182 , A33591 , A3814 , AE3814 , AF1005 , AF2042 , AF3591 , AF3814 , AF424 , AF611 , AF874 , AF874F , AFL-611 , CA3591 , CA3814 , CF-3814 , CFA-2000 , DA2720 , DA3814 , E-1923 , F-38A14 , FA-1086 , FA-1795 , GA-3814 , GA33591 , HA3814 , JLA3591 , LA45 , MA 1067 , MA3591 , MA3814 , MGA46084 , P607310 , P6084 , PA-134 , PA3591 , PA3591F , PA3814 , PAB3814 , PGA-3591 , PRA3814 , PZA-134 , QA33591 , QSA3814 , SA-63 , SA33591 , SA3591 , SA3814 , SHA63 , TA-63 , TA3814 , TY22055 , VA3591 , VA67 , W-1923 , XA3591

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Aspiration Block Engine CID CC
1986 - Plymouth Caravelle Naturally Aspirated L 4 Cyl 2.2L 135 -
Premium Guard
1989 Plymouth Colt Air Filter 4 Cyl 2.0L Premium Guard

P311-4EFE0BB    PA4375  New

042-1470 , 11-02720 , 143-2051 , 2042 , 23-3074-2 , 25099245 , 26264 , 28113-32510 , 313 , 46264 , 5000-200340 , 5000-63283 , 6264 , 66264 , 73-329 , 88264 , 94264 , A-0116-009 , A-128 , A-6362 , A1201C , A24375 , A252 , A4375 , A814 , AC270 , AE6362 , AF252 , AF279 , AF4375 , AF4944 , AF6362 , AF913 , AF913F , AFL-252 , BA4375 , C 1891 , CA2520 , CA4375 , CA6362 , CF-4375 , CFA913 , DA3180 , DA6362 , E-2875 , F-63A62 , FA-1100 , GA-362 , HA6362 , HSA-627 , JLA4375 , L11-4227 , LA1248 , MA 1108 , MA4375 , MA6362 , MD603932 , MD620385 , MGA46264 , P500008 , P6264 , PA-166 , PA2194 , PA4375 , PA4375F , PA6362 , PAB6362 , PGA-4375 , PRA6362 , PZA-166 , QA24375 , QSA6362 , SA24375 , SA252 , SA6362 , SHA84 , TA-84 , TA6362 , VA4375 , VA87 , W-2875 , XA4375

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
  • Product Attributes:
    • Shape: Cylinder
    • Side A Length: 7.99 In
    • Side B Length: 7.76 In
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1989 - Plymouth Colt L 4 Cyl 2.0L 122 1997
Premium Guard
1983 Plymouth PB250 Air Filter 6 Cyl 3.7L Premium Guard

P311-28AEEB5    PA45  New

10520 , 2054 , 22054 , 22054MP , 228 , 23-3045-2 , 2453346 , 25096103 , 27545 , 38991386 , 4173084 , 4179923 , 42054 , 5647255 , 5724690 , 62054 , 83070-A , 84456S , 87054 , 914 , 93054 , 990759 , 999102 , A-17 , A-184 , A117C , A178 , A198 , A30045 , A45 , A854C , A987C , AC19 , AC224 , AE184 , AF-45 , AF1079 , AF11 , AF184 , AF267 , AF274 , AF41 , AF41F , AF45 , AFL-45 , APF-45 , ARP-45 , BA45 , C 2555 , C1KE-9601-A , C1KE-9601-AR , C1TZ-3FF , C1ZE-9601-A , C3AF-9601-A , C3AZ-9601-A , C4AF-9601-B , C4ZF-9601-A , C5ZZ-9601A , CA184 , CA184PL , CA45 , CA803 , CF-184 , CFA45 , DA3724 , E-1080 , EDC-9601B , F-184A , FA-178 , FA-1R , GA-77 , GA30045 , GA77M , HA184 , J8991386 , JLA45 , L-163 , L-562 , LA29 , LT14 , MA184 , MA45 , MFP-618A , MGA42054 , P2054 , P524347 , P607228 , PA-1 , PA164 , PA45 , PA45F , PA642 , PAB184 , PGA-45 , PM-L034 , PRA184 , PZA-1 , QA30045 , QSA184 , SA-2 , SA184 , SA30045 , SA45 , SHA2 , TA-2 , TA184 , TY15369 , U16A , VA45 , VA8 , W-1080 , WA-184 , XA45

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1983 - Plymouth PB250 L 6 Cyl 3.7L 225 3687
Premium Guard
1979 Plymouth Sapporo Air Filter 4 Cyl 1.6L Premium Guard

P311-1DBDEAF    PA103  New

0259-23-603 , 042-0471 , 042-1040 , 042-1367 , 042-8227 , 1-457-429-800 , 1-987-429-002 , 10581 , 11-00288 , 11-00437 , 11-00494 , 11-00569 , 11-01897 , 143-2062 , 16546-S0100 , 17801-34010 , 22905 , 23-3011-2 , 234 , 26165 , 266 , 27723 , 27769 , 27780 , 2905 , 2907 , 302 , 352 , 4186167 , 42907 , 46165 , 5000-27072 , 6165 , 62907 , 6486862 , 6486924 , 66165 , 73-269 , 73201 , 750 , 792 , 83602-A , 84758S , 87905 , 87907 , 88165 , 8914-23-603 , 8997877 , 9142151720 , 93906 , 94020442 , 94023905 , 94165 , 94206007 , 94213709 , A-0127-003 , A-0190-006 , A-352 , A-50 , A103 , A198 , A260 , A266 , A2778 , A391C , A40103 , AC164 , AC192 , AE2778 , AE352 , AF-201 , AF-858 , AF103 , AF109 , AF134 , AF1649 , AF17 , AF290 , AF340 , AF3475 , AF352 , AF57 , AF803 , AF803F , AFL-103FC , AFL-340 , AG156 , AG156M , APF-103 , APF-26 , ARP-2111 , ARP-3003 , ARP-3010 , ARP-4206 , BFA103 , C 2659 , C 2868 , CA103 , CA2778 , CA340 , CA352 , CA352B , CA368 , CF-352 , CFA352 , DA352 , DA3922 , E-2760 , FA-1357 , FA-178 , FA-594 , FAF290 , GA890M , GAD-1 , HA352 , JLA103 , L-512 , L11-3085 , L11-3093 , L11-3107 , L11-3123 , LA333A , LAF5573 , LT14 , MA103 , MA109 , MA352 , MD603014 , MGA46165 , P500004 , P524374 , P607324 , P6165 , PA-24 , PA103 , PA103F , PA1657 , PA2054 , PA2055 , PA2126 , PA352 , PAB352 , PGA-103 , PM-1556 , PZA-24 , QA40103 , QSA2778 , QSA352 , SA-37 , SA-390 , SA103 , SA352 , SA40103 , TFA-1 , TFA-4 , TS14 , VA103 , VA20 , VA60 , W-2760 , WA-352 , XA103

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
  • Product Attributes:
    • Inlet Diameter: 7.95 In
    • Shape: Circular
    • Side A Length: 10.1600
    • Side B Length: 7.9100
    • Side C Length: 2.3600
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1979 - Plymouth Sapporo L 4 Cyl 1.6L 98 1597
1992 Plymouth Colt Air Filter 4 Cyl 1.8L Full

P311-026DA12    W0133-1633717  New

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Full Air Filter
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
Brand: Full
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1992 - Plymouth Colt L 4 Cyl 1.8L 112 1834
2001 Plymouth Neon Air Filter Mahle

P311-4C7D584    W0133-1636999  New

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Mahle Air Filter
Brand: Mahle
Additional Fitment Information:
2001 - Plymouth Neon
1996 Plymouth Grand Voyager Air Filter Mann-Filter

P311-22C3AD0    W0133-1638215  New

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Mann-Filter Air Filter
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
Brand: Mann-Filter
Additional Fitment Information:
1996 - Plymouth Grand Voyager
2000 Plymouth Breeze Air Filter Mopar

P311-30FBC09    W0133-1640187  New

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Mopar Air Filter
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • OE Replacement
Brand: Mopar
Additional Fitment Information:
2000 - Plymouth Breeze
1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager Air Filter 6 Cyl 3.3L Interfil

P311-2C1A88B    W0133-1640192  New

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Interfil Air Filter
Brand: Interfil
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1993 - Plymouth Grand Voyager V 6 Cyl 3.3L 201 3301
Premium Guard
1994 Plymouth Colt Air Filter 4 Cyl 1.5L Premium Guard

P311-06F2605    PA4839  New

042-1542 , 143-2045 , 26271 , 33-2074 , 46271 , 5000-203602 , 5000-27018 , 6271 , 73-287 , 88271 , 94271 , A-34 , A1327C , A281 , A34839 , AC286 , AE7630 , AF243 , AF243F , AF4839 , AF7630 , AF7861 , ALA-1700 , AP7861 , C2335 , CA7630 , CA7861 , FA-1656 , GA34839 , HA7630 , HSA-722 , LA1469 , MA4839 , MD620737 , MGA46271 , P6271 , PA-223 , PA4068 , PA4839 , PA4839F , PAB7630 , PZA-223 , QSA34839 , SA7630 , TA-117 , XA4839

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1994 - Plymouth Colt L 4 Cyl 1.5L 90 1468
Premium Guard
1980 Plymouth Arrow Pickup Air Filter 4 Cyl 2.6L Premium Guard

P311-451DF0C    PA3467  New

042-1383 , 042-1390 , 11-01699 , 143-2016 , 23-3029-2 , 245 , 25055119 , 25096214 , 25096215 , 26042 , 46042 , 5000-61895 , 6042 , 66042 , 73-288 , 88042 , 9141 , 94042 , A-0116-004 , A-0190-001 , A-109 , A1052C , A263 , A4325 , A43467 , AC205 , AC251 , AE4325 , AF176 , AF317 , AF3467 , AF4325 , AF4952 , AF604 , AF816 , AFL-604 , AM15-13-Z00 , AM15-13-Z40 , BA3467 , C 2758 , CA4325 , CA6040 , CFA816 , DA4020 , DA4325 , E-2810 , FA-993 , GA-4325 , GA43467 , HA4325 , JLA3467 , L11-3018 , L11-3026 , L11-3271 , LA1170 , MA 1141 , MA3467 , MD604880 , MGA46042 , P500005 , P6042 , PA-144 , PA2117 , PA3467 , PA4014 , PA4325 , PAB4325 , PGA-3467 , PZA-144 , QA43467 , QSA4325 , SA4325 , TA-62 , TA4325 , TS14 , VA3467 , WA-4325 , XA3467

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Premium Guard Air Filter
  • Product Attributes:
    • Shape: Circular
    • Side A Length: 10.1600
    • Side B Length: 7.9100
    • Side C Length: 2.5000
Brand: Premium Guard
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1980 - Plymouth Arrow Pickup L 4 Cyl 2.6L 156 2555
1996 Plymouth Grand Voyager Air Filter 6 Cyl 3.8L ACDelco - Gold

P311-36408A1    A1089C  New

In Stock & Ready to Ship
ACDelco Air Filter
  • Gold
Brand: ACDelco
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Engine VIN Fuel Delivery Type Block Engine
1996 - Plymouth Grand Voyager L FI V 6 Cyl 3.8L
1994 Plymouth Colt Air Filter 4 Cyl 1.5L Full

P311-052AB8D    W0133-1634488  New

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Full Air Filter
Brand: Full
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1994 - Plymouth Colt L 4 Cyl 1.5L 90 1468
1997 Plymouth Grand Voyager Air Filter 6 Cyl 3.8L Mahle

P311-4BB595A    LX 259  New

042-0323 , 049133843 , 25096099 , 42133 , 4213583 , 4213583AB , 4342800 , 5046WS , A1089C , A23465 , A366 , A517 , A751C , AF300 , AF805 , C2860 , CA3441 , CA3660 , E33L , E59Z-9601-A , MA1005 , PA2103

In Stock & Ready to Ship
Mahle Air Filter
  • Air Filter
  • Filter Type Air Filter (Primary)
  • Product Attributes:
    • Grade Type: Regular
    • Shape: Flat Panel
    • Side A Length: 10.7
    • Side B Length: 5.3
  • MAHLE® air filters capture 99.9% of dust, soot, and tire wear particles
Brand: Mahle
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block Engine CID CC
1997 - Plymouth Grand Voyager V 6 Cyl 3.8L 231 3778