P311-56A5219 39284 New
11139284 , 180134 , 217284 , 304361 , 304365 , 3131211 , 3131325 , 3411812 , 39284 , 68020270AA , 68027237AA , 759672 , 8980473830 , 901946 , 98047383 , A17284 , CWK759672 , EX10247C , EX529502C
- Block Type Expansion Valve w/o Solenoid
- Block Type Expansion Valve w/o Solenoid
- Expansion Valve
- Product Attributes:
- Description: Expansion Valves
- Liquid Inlet Gender: Female
- Liquid Inlet Size: No. 6
- Liquid Inlet Size IN: 0.390
- Liquid Inlet Size MM: 10.1
- Liquid Inlet Style: Captured O-ring
- Liquid Inlet Thread: Not Threaded
- Liquid Inlet Type: O-ring
- Liquid Outlet Gender: Female
- Liquid Outlet Size: No. 10
- Liquid Outlet Style: Captured O-ring
- Liquid Outlet Thread: Not Threaded
- Liquid Outlet Type: O-ring
- Lqd Out Size IN: 0.600
- Lqd Out Size MM: 15.4
- Meets / Exceeds OEM?: Yes
- Mount Hole Qty: 2
- O-Ring A Number/Desc: 24121 / Black O-ring
- O-Ring A Quantity: 1
- Style: W/o Solenoid
- Suc In Size IN: 0.710
- Suc In Size MM: 18.2
- Suc Out Gender: Female
- Suc Out Size IN: 0.710
- Suc Out Size MM: 18.2
- Suc Out Trd: Not Threaded
- Suction Inlet Gender: Female
- Suction Inlet Size: No. 12
- Suction Inlet Style: Captured O-ring
- Suction Inlet Thread: Not Threaded
- Suction Inlet Type: O-ring
- Suction Outlet Size: No. 12
- Suction Outlet Style: Captured O-ring
- Suction Outlet Type: O-ring
- Super Heat: 5.500
- Switch Included?: Not Included
- Tonnage: 1.5
- Engineered to meet or exceed O.E. fit, form and function requirements, our products contain high quality components for long lasting performance. O-rings, gaskets,and seals are included for each application specific replacement.
- Precision machined ports
- Our in-house research & development center utilizes the latest software and precise measuring equipment to ensure product quality. Our expansion devices are calibrated for optimum cabin comfort for both the driver and passengers.
- Each TXV has a unique specification for tonnage, superheat and maximum operating pressure (MOP) based on the specific system. A/C performance issues can be traced back to a misapplied or low quality valve.
- Our products are engineered and tested to provide years of trouble free operation. Backed by over 50 years of mobile a/c experience, fix it once and fix it right with Four Seasons.