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Cut Gasoline Costs
Thu, 19 Jun 2003, 23:06

(NAPS)—As families hit the open roads, gas prices rise in response to the increased demand. Fortunately, drivers who conserve gasoline by following recommended driving guidelines can save hundreds of dollars a year. What’s more, efficient driving can save wear and tear on your car, saving you even more money in the long run. Try these simple tips to squeeze extra miles out of every tank of gasoline:

• Be gentle on the pedals—Avoid jackrabbit starts and sudden stops whenever possible. Gentle acceleration and deceleration can increase gas mileage by as much as 12 percent.

• Take it slow—At more than 55 mph, fuel economy begins to decrease exponentially as speed increases. A passenger car that gets 30 miles to a gallon of gas at 55 mph gets 10 percent less mileage—or 27 miles per gallon—at 65 mph. Driving at 75 mph rather than 65 mph increases gasoline consumption by 25 percent. Of course, slowing down will add time to your car trips, but you can save $5 to $10 for every hour you drive. Using cruise control will eke out a few more miles per tankful as well.

Keep in mind that an idling engine gets zero miles per gallon, so shut off your car in stopped traffic or at a crossing signal. Restarting uses less gas.

• Turn off the A/C—Using a vehicle’s air conditioner on warm days can cut your gas efficiency by more than 20 percent. When the mercury reaches moderate levels, roll down your windows or use your car’s flow-through ventilation system. Using “nature’s A/C” also will reduce your engine temperature and prevent overheating. When driving on highways, roll your windows up and rely on your car’s ventilation. Open windows at high speeds create wind drag and will reduce your mileage.

These easy-to-follow tips can help you get where you’re going—without draining your wallet before you get there.

To learn more about energy issues, visit, a comprehensive site hosted by Sarkeys Energy Center, the University of Oklahoma.

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